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Exclamatory Sentence

All Question - (11)

Created: 6 years ago | Updated: 4 months ago
Updated: 4 months ago
Wow ! I seen you before .
Had I seen you before.
Oh ! I seen you before .
If I seen you before .
Created: 6 years ago | Updated: 7 months ago
Updated: 7 months ago
If I were an ideal teacher !
How an ideal teacher I was !
What an ideal teacher I was !
If an ideal teacher I am !
Created: 6 years ago | Updated: 1 year ago
Updated: 1 year ago
How exciting is cricket game !
How an exciting game is cricket !
What an exciting game cricket is !
What an exciting is cricket game !
Created: 6 years ago | Updated: 6 months ago
Updated: 6 months ago
Would that I were a King !
Would that I was a king !
Would that I am a king !
If I could be a king !
Created: 6 years ago | Updated: 1 year ago
Updated: 1 year ago
assertive sentence
Exclamatory sentence
optative sentence
Negative sentence
Created: 6 years ago | Updated: 2 months ago
Updated: 2 months ago
How exciting is cricket game!
How an exciting game cricket is!
What an exciting game cricket is!
What an exciting is cricket game!
Created: 2 years ago | Updated: 4 months ago
Updated: 4 months ago
Created: 1 year ago | Updated: 21 hours ago
Updated: 21 hours ago
Hurrah! cricket is an exciting game
How exciting game is cricket!
How exciting is cricket when It plays!
What an exciting game cricket is!
Created: 1 year ago | Updated: 6 months ago
Updated: 6 months ago
How time does fly!
How time do fly!
How time flies!
How time fly!